Numerology 369

Numerology 369 is an online application and PC software that generates numerology charts and reports based on four different numerology systems. These ancient methods go back thousands of years, making the accuracy of Numerology 369 unrivalled.

Numerology, one of the most ancient skills, the so-called pseudo-science, which was first founded in the old cultures of China and India, was used to discover the features and elements of the person's character according to their date of birth as well as their name and surname. Those ancient people believed that through numerology they can understand the good and bad sides of a human soul, one's personality, the visible and hidden competences, one's virtues and flaws, one's likes and dislikes, the person's motivation in life, the suitable love partners and friends, as well as one's past and future life.

Numerology 369 for PC features:

Four different numerology systems including the newest Numerology 369 Table:

     Numerology 369 Table (exclusive!)

     Chaldean Table

     Pythagorean Table

     Kabbalah Table

Full personality and forecast reports:

     Personal Features

     Plans of Expression

     Life Affections

     Life Challenges

     Life Culminations

     Life Cycles

     Interactive Processing

     Complete table of events (up to 100 years in the future)

     Import/export option (unlimited!)

     New Virtual Keyboard letters layout (German, Spanish, Swedish, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Finnish, Dutch, Portuguese, Brazilian, Hungarian, Norwegian, Italian, Serbian, Croatian...) 43 new letters added

     HTML reports (great for webmasters and professionals)

Please note: For the correct numerology result, if you have more than one name, middle name or last name all these words you must type without the blank field between. For example, Marion Anne Perrine Marine Le Pen ... in the program you must type like this:

Name: MarionAnnePerrineMarine

Middle name:

Last Name: LePen

Platform: Windows XP, Windows 7 or Windows 10

Type: Shareware

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